Author: David Shulick

David Shulick

The Changing Landscape of Executive Management in the Digital Age: How Technology and Digital Transformation are Reshaping Executive Roles and Responsibilities

The digital age has brought about a seismic shift in the way businesses operate, fundamentally transforming industries across the globe. At the heart of this transformation lies the evolving role of executive management. Gone are the days when CEOs and other top executives could rely solely on traditional business acumen and leadership skills. Today, technological proficiency and an adaptive mindset are crucial for steering organizations toward sustained success. David Shulick delves into how technology and digital transformation are reshaping executive roles and responsibilities, emphasizing the need for modern executives to evolve alongside these changes.

Embracing Digital Transformation

Digital transformation encompasses the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how organizations operate and deliver value to customers. For executives, this means navigating a landscape where digital initiatives drive strategic decisions. Executives must understand and leverage emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies enable businesses to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and create new revenue streams.

The Evolving Role of the CEO

Traditionally, the role of the CEO focused on setting strategic direction, managing resources, and representing the company to stakeholders. While these responsibilities remain, the digital age has expanded the CEO’s role significantly. Modern CEOs must now be digital champions, driving the adoption of technology across the organization. This requires a deep understanding of technological trends and the ability to anticipate their impact on the business landscape.

CEOs must also foster a culture of innovation, encouraging experimentation and risk-taking. This involves breaking down silos within the organization and promoting collaboration across departments to ensure that digital initiatives are aligned with overall business objectives. Furthermore, CEOs need to prioritize cybersecurity, safeguarding the company’s digital assets and customer data against an ever-evolving threat landscape.

The Rise of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO)

The advent of digital transformation has given rise to new executive roles, notably the Chief Digital Officer (CDO). The CDO is responsible for leading the digital transformation strategy, ensuring that digital initiatives are integrated seamlessly into the organization’s operations. This role requires a unique blend of technological expertise, strategic vision, and change management skills.

CDOs work closely with other executives, including the CIO and CTO, to align digital initiatives with the company’s overall strategy. They also play a crucial role in identifying and implementing new technologies that can drive business growth. In many cases, the CDO acts as a bridge between the technical and business sides of the organization, ensuring that digital projects deliver tangible value.

Data-Driven Decision Making

One of the most significant impacts of digital transformation on executive management is the shift towards data-driven decision-making. Executives now have access to vast amounts of data, providing unprecedented insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. Harnessing this data requires sophisticated analytics tools and the ability to interpret and act on the insights generated.

Executives must cultivate a data-driven culture within their organizations, emphasizing the importance of data accuracy, transparency, and security. This involves investing in advanced analytics platforms and upskilling employees to use these tools effectively. By leveraging data, executives can make more informed decisions, identify new opportunities, and mitigate risks.

Enhancing Customer Experience

In the digital age, customer experience has become a key differentiator for businesses. Executives play a critical role in shaping and enhancing the customer journey, utilizing digital tools and technologies to meet and exceed customer expectations. This involves adopting a customer-centric approach, where every business decision is made with the customer in mind.

Executives must oversee the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) systems, personalized marketing strategies, and omnichannel customer service solutions. By doing so, they can create seamless and engaging customer experiences that build loyalty and drive revenue growth.

Navigating Organizational Change

Digital transformation often necessitates significant organizational change, from restructuring teams to redefining business processes. Executives must be adept at managing change, guiding their organizations through the complexities of digital adoption. This involves clear communication, effective change management strategies, and a focus on employee engagement.

Executives should prioritize continuous learning and development, ensuring that employees have the skills needed to thrive in a digital-first environment. This may include investing in training programs, fostering a culture of lifelong learning, and encouraging cross-functional collaboration.

The Importance of Agility

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, agility is paramount. Executives must be able to respond swiftly to market changes, technological advancements, and emerging threats. This requires a flexible mindset and the ability to pivot strategies when necessary.

Agile leadership involves iterative decision-making, where executives continuously assess and adjust their approaches based on real-time data and feedback. This allows organizations to remain competitive and resilient in the face of disruption.

The digital age has irrevocably altered the landscape of executive management. To thrive in this new era, executives must embrace digital transformation, foster a culture of innovation, and leverage data-driven insights. They must also prioritize customer experience, navigate organizational change, and cultivate agility. By adapting to these new realities, modern executives can lead their organizations to sustained success in an increasingly digital world.

The journey towards digital transformation is complex and ongoing, but for those executives who embrace it, the rewards are substantial. The ability to harness technology and drive innovation is not just a competitive advantage—it is a necessity for survival in the digital age.

Career Path Insights for Aspiring Directors of Corporate Affairs

Directors of Corporate Affairs play a crucial role in navigating the complex intersection of corporate governance, regulatory compliance, and ethical standards within organizations. If you’re aspiring to pursue a career in this dynamic field, understanding the essential skills, qualifications, and pathways to success is paramount. David Shulick provides valuable guidance and advice for professionals aiming to excel in this role.

Understanding the Duties of the Job

Directors of Corporate Affairs, also known as Corporate Affairs Officers or Regulatory Affairs Directors, are responsible for overseeing compliance with regulatory requirements and promoting ethical conduct within organizations. Their primary duties include:

  • Compliance Oversight: Ensuring adherence to laws, regulations, and industry standards relevant to corporate governance.
  • Ethical Leadership: Establishing and promoting ethical practices and codes of conduct across the organization.
  • Risk Management: Identifying compliance risks and implementing strategies to mitigate them.
  • Stakeholder Communication: Engaging with regulatory bodies, industry associations, and internal stakeholders to maintain compliance and manage regulatory relationships.

Key Skills and Qualifications

Legal and Regulatory Knowledge

Individuals looking to fill this type of position must possess a strong understanding of relevant laws, regulations, and compliance frameworks. This includes familiarity with industry-specific regulations and the ability to interpret legal requirements accurately.

Strategic Thinking

A strategic mindset is essential for to anticipate regulatory changes, assess compliance risks, and develop proactive solutions. They must align compliance efforts with organizational goals and objectives.

Communication and Relationship Management

Effective communication skills are critical for building relationships with stakeholders, including board members, executives, regulatory authorities, and external partners. Directors of Corporate Affairs must convey complex regulatory information clearly and persuasively.

Ethical Leadership

Promoting a culture of ethics and integrity requires strong leadership qualities. Directors of Corporate Affairs should lead by example, championing ethical behavior, and fostering a corporate culture that values compliance and accountability.

Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

Analytical abilities enable individuals in this position to assess compliance risks, analyze regulatory impacts, and develop data-driven strategies. They must identify potential compliance issues and implement effective solutions.

Education and Experience

Most individuals hold a bachelor’s degree in law, business administration, finance, or a related field. Advanced degrees such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a Juris Doctor (JD) can enhance career prospects. Professional certifications, such as Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) or Certified Corporate Compliance Specialist (CCCS), demonstrate expertise in compliance management.

Pathways to Success

Gain Relevant Experience

Start by gaining experience in legal, regulatory affairs, compliance, or corporate governance roles. Internships, entry-level positions, or roles in legal departments provide foundational knowledge and skills.

Continuing Education and Professional Development

Stay abreast of regulatory changes, industry trends, and best practices through continuing education programs, workshops, and industry conferences. Pursue relevant certifications to enhance credibility and expertise in compliance management.

Build a Network

Networking with professionals in regulatory affairs, legal compliance, and corporate governance is invaluable. Join industry associations, participate in forums, and engage with peers to exchange knowledge and stay informed about industry developments.

Demonstrate Leadership and Initiative

Seek opportunities to lead compliance initiatives, contribute to corporate governance projects, and demonstrate your commitment to ethical conduct and regulatory compliance. Proactive leadership and initiative distinguish aspiring Directors of Corporate Affairs.

Challenges and Opportunities

Navigating regulatory landscapes can be challenging due to the complexity and volume of regulations. However, individuals have the opportunity to drive organizational success by promoting transparency, mitigating risks, and enhancing corporate reputation through effective compliance management.


In conclusion, pursuing a career as a Director of Corporate Affairs requires a blend of legal expertise, strategic thinking, leadership skills, and a commitment to ethical conduct. By acquiring relevant experience, obtaining necessary qualifications, and continuously developing your skills, you can position yourself for success in this pivotal role. Directors of Corporate Affairs play a vital role in safeguarding corporate integrity and steering organizations toward sustainable growth in today’s regulatory environment.

Leveraging Data Analytics in Commercial Real Estate

Data analytics has become a transformative force in various industries, and commercial real estate (CRE) is no exception. The ability to analyze vast amounts of data and extract actionable insights is revolutionizing how market analysis, property management, and investment decisions are made. David Shulick explains how data analytics is reshaping the commercial real estate landscape, providing detailed insights into its applications and benefits.

The Power of Data Analytics in Market Analysis

Enhanced Market Forecasting

Traditional methods of market analysis often relied on historical data and expert intuition. While these methods have their merits, they can be limited in accuracy and scope. Data analytics, on the other hand, leverages advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze real-time data, offering more accurate and predictive market forecasts. This allows investors and property managers to anticipate market trends and make informed decisions.

Identifying Investment Opportunities

Data analytics tools can sift through enormous datasets to identify lucrative investment opportunities that may not be apparent through conventional analysis. By examining factors such as property performance, market demand, and demographic trends, these tools can highlight undervalued properties or emerging markets, giving investors a competitive edge.

Competitive Analysis

Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial in commercial real estate. Data analytics enables property managers and investors to monitor competitors’ activities, such as pricing strategies, occupancy rates, and new developments. This information can be used to adjust strategies, optimize pricing, and enhance the overall competitive positioning of properties.

Transforming Property Management through Data Analytics

Predictive Maintenance

One of the most significant applications of data analytics in property management is predictive maintenance. By analyzing data from various sources, such as building sensors and maintenance logs, property managers can predict when equipment or infrastructure is likely to fail. This proactive approach reduces downtime, lowers maintenance costs, and extends the lifespan of building systems.

Energy Management

Energy consumption is a major expense for commercial properties. Data analytics can optimize energy usage by analyzing consumption patterns and identifying inefficiencies. Smart building technologies can collect real-time data on energy use, which can then be analyzed to implement energy-saving measures. This not only reduces operational costs but also aligns with sustainability goals.

Tenant Experience and Retention

Data analytics can enhance the tenant experience by providing insights into tenant behavior and preferences. By analyzing data from surveys, social media, and tenant feedback, property managers can identify areas for improvement and tailor services to meet tenant needs. Improved tenant satisfaction leads to higher retention rates and reduced vacancy periods.

Financial Performance Monitoring

Effective financial management is critical in commercial real estate. Data analytics provides real-time insights into the financial performance of properties, including cash flow, rental income, and expenses. This allows property managers to make data-driven financial decisions, optimize budgets, and improve overall profitability.

Leveraging Data Analytics for Strategic Planning

Location Analysis

Choosing the right location is paramount in commercial real estate. Data analytics can analyze various location-based factors, such as foot traffic, accessibility, and proximity to amenities, to determine the best locations for new developments. This helps in making informed decisions about where to invest and develop properties.

Market Segmentation

Understanding different market segments is essential for targeted marketing and sales strategies. Data analytics can segment the market based on various criteria, such as industry, size, and geographic location. This enables property managers and investors to tailor their offerings and marketing campaigns to specific segments, increasing their effectiveness.

Risk Management

Identifying and mitigating risks is a crucial aspect of commercial real estate. Data analytics can assess risk factors such as market volatility, economic conditions, and tenant creditworthiness. By providing a comprehensive risk profile, these tools help property managers and investors take proactive measures to minimize potential risks.

The Future of Data Analytics in Commercial Real Estate

The integration of data analytics into commercial real estate is still evolving, with new technologies and methodologies continually emerging. The future promises even more advanced applications, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), which will further enhance data collection and analysis capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning algorithms can process and analyze vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, offering deeper insights and more accurate predictions. These technologies will enable even more sophisticated market analysis, property management, and investment strategies.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT devices, such as smart sensors and meters, provide real-time data on various aspects of property management, from energy usage to security. Integrating IoT with data analytics will enable property managers to monitor and optimize building operations in real-time, improving efficiency and tenant satisfaction.


Data analytics is revolutionizing the commercial real estate industry, offering enhanced market analysis, improved property management, and strategic planning capabilities. By leveraging data analytics, property managers and investors can make more informed decisions, optimize operations, and gain a competitive advantage. As technology continues to advance, the role of data analytics in commercial real estate will only become more critical, paving the way for a more efficient and profitable industry.

Navigating Legal Considerations in Commercial Property Management

Managing commercial properties involves a myriad of responsibilities, one of the most critical being the navigation of legal issues. Property managers must stay informed about legal requirements to ensure compliance and protect both the property owner’s and tenants’ interests. David Shulick explores the key legal issues in commercial property management and provides strategies for navigating them effectively.

Understanding Key Legal Issues

Lease Agreements

Lease agreements are foundational to the landlord-tenant relationship in commercial property management. These legally binding contracts outline the rights and responsibilities of both parties. Key elements to include are:

  • Rent Amount and Payment Terms: Clearly specify the rent amount, payment schedule, and acceptable payment methods.
  • Lease Duration: Define the lease term, including start and end dates, and conditions for renewal or termination.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Detail the responsibilities for maintenance and repairs to avoid disputes.
  • Subleasing: Include terms regarding subleasing to maintain control over who occupies the property.
  • Dispute Resolution: Outline the procedures for resolving disputes, such as mediation or arbitration.

Ensuring that lease agreements are comprehensive and legally sound can prevent misunderstandings and legal disputes.

Compliance with Zoning Laws

Zoning laws regulate land use and impact what types of businesses can operate in a specific area. Property managers must ensure that their properties comply with local zoning regulations. This involves:

  • Understanding Zoning Classifications: Familiarize yourself with the zoning classifications and what they permit in terms of use and occupancy.
  • Seeking Variances or Permits: If a tenant’s intended use does not conform to current zoning laws, you may need to seek a variance or special permit.
  • Staying Updated: Zoning laws can change, so staying informed about local ordinances is crucial for ongoing compliance.

Building Codes and Safety Regulations

Building codes and safety regulations are designed to ensure the safety and accessibility of commercial properties. Key considerations include:

  • Structural Safety: Ensure that the building meets all structural safety standards, including fire safety, electrical systems, and plumbing.
  • Accessibility: Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make your property accessible to all individuals.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections and maintenance to address any safety issues promptly.

Non-compliance with building codes and safety regulations can result in fines, legal liabilities, and increased insurance premiums.

Environmental Regulations

Environmental regulations govern how properties impact the environment. Property managers must be aware of:

  • Hazardous Materials: Ensure that any hazardous materials on the property are managed and disposed of according to federal and state regulations.
  • Waste Management: Implement proper waste management practices to avoid legal issues and environmental damage.
  • Sustainability Practices: Encourage tenants to adopt sustainable practices, such as energy conservation and recycling programs.

Understanding and adhering to environmental regulations can prevent costly legal issues and enhance the property’s reputation.

Tenant Relations and Fair Housing Laws

Fair housing laws prohibit discrimination in the leasing process. Property managers must:

  • Avoid Discriminatory Practices: Ensure that leasing decisions are based on legitimate business criteria and not on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or familial status.
  • Provide Equal Access: Make reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities.
  • Respond to Complaints: Address tenant complaints promptly and fairly to avoid legal disputes.

Properly managing tenant relations and adhering to fair housing laws fosters a positive tenant-manager relationship and minimizes legal risks.

Strategies for Navigating Legal Issues

Stay Informed and Educated

Regularly update your knowledge of relevant laws and regulations. Attend industry seminars, subscribe to legal publications, and participate in professional organizations to stay current.

Seek Legal Counsel

Engage a qualified attorney specializing in commercial real estate to review lease agreements, zoning issues, and compliance matters. Legal counsel can provide valuable guidance and help mitigate risks.

Implement Standard Procedures

Develop and implement standard operating procedures for lease agreements, maintenance, inspections, and tenant relations. Standardization ensures consistency and helps demonstrate compliance.

Document Everything

Maintain thorough records of all transactions, communications, inspections, and repairs. Documentation can serve as evidence in legal disputes and demonstrate adherence to legal requirements.

Foster Open Communication

Maintain open lines of communication with tenants to address issues promptly and amicably. Proactive communication can prevent disputes from escalating into legal battles.


Navigating the legal landscape of commercial property management is complex but essential for protecting the interests of property owners and tenants. By understanding key legal issues, staying informed, seeking professional advice, and implementing robust management practices, property managers can effectively navigate legal challenges. Ensuring compliance with legal requirements not only minimizes risks but also enhances the overall management and success of commercial properties.

Creating Resilient Commercial Buildings: Preparing for Natural Disasters

In the face of increasing natural disasters, the importance of creating resilient commercial buildings cannot be overstated. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and wildfires pose significant threats to commercial properties, potentially disrupting business operations and causing severe economic losses. Therefore, designing and managing commercial buildings to withstand these events is crucial for ensuring business continuity and safeguarding investments. David Shulick discusses below some of the best strategies for enhancing the resilience of commercial buildings against natural disasters.

Understanding the Risks

Before implementing resilience strategies, it is essential to understand the specific risks associated with natural disasters in the specific region. Different areas are prone to different types of disasters, and each requires tailored mitigation strategies. For instance, coastal regions might face hurricanes and flooding, while areas along fault lines are at risk of earthquakes. Conducting a thorough risk assessment is the first step in developing a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan.

Designing for Resilience

Structural Integrity

Ensuring the structural integrity of commercial buildings is paramount. Employing robust construction materials and techniques can significantly enhance a building’s ability to withstand natural disasters. For earthquake-prone areas, buildings should be designed to absorb and dissipate seismic energy. This can be achieved through the use of flexible building materials, reinforced frames, and base isolators that allow the building to move independently of ground motion.

Elevated Design

In flood-prone areas, elevating the structure above potential flood levels can prevent water damage. This can be done by raising the foundation or incorporating stilts into the building design. Additionally, installing flood barriers and water-resistant materials in lower levels can provide extra protection against flooding.

Wind-Resistant Features

For regions susceptible to hurricanes and high winds, incorporating wind-resistant features is crucial. This includes reinforced roofs, impact-resistant windows, and doors, as well as securely anchoring the building to its foundation. These measures can prevent structural damage and reduce the risk of debris penetration during storms.

Fire-Resistant Materials

In areas at risk of wildfires, using fire-resistant materials can prevent the spread of fire and minimize damage. Materials such as concrete, steel, and fire-rated gypsum board can be used for construction. Additionally, creating defensible space by clearing vegetation and combustible materials around the building can reduce the risk of wildfire reaching the structure.

Managing Resilience

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

Regular maintenance and inspections are vital for identifying potential vulnerabilities and ensuring that resilience features remain effective. This includes checking for structural weaknesses, inspecting fire suppression systems, and ensuring that flood barriers and drainage systems are functional. Routine maintenance can help address issues before they become significant problems during a disaster.

Emergency Preparedness Plans

Developing comprehensive emergency preparedness plans is essential for ensuring a swift and effective response during a disaster. These plans should include evacuation procedures, communication protocols, and roles and responsibilities for building occupants and management. Regular drills and training sessions can ensure that everyone knows what to do in an emergency, reducing confusion and enhancing safety.

Backup Power Systems

Power outages are common during natural disasters, so having backup power systems in place is crucial. Generators and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) can keep essential systems running, such as emergency lighting, communication systems, and critical business operations. Ensuring that these systems are regularly tested and maintained can provide reliable power during an outage.

Insurance Coverage

Adequate insurance coverage is a key component of resilience. Property insurance, business interruption insurance, and specific disaster insurance policies can provide financial protection against the costs of repairs and lost revenue due to natural disasters. Reviewing and updating insurance policies regularly can ensure that coverage remains adequate as risks evolve.

Building Partnerships

Collaborating with local authorities, emergency services, and other businesses can enhance resilience efforts. These partnerships can provide valuable resources and support during and after a disaster. Additionally, participating in community resilience initiatives can help create a more resilient environment for everyone.


Creating resilient commercial buildings is a multifaceted approach that involves understanding regional risks, designing robust structures, and implementing effective management practices. By investing in resilience, businesses can safeguard their properties, protect their employees, and ensure continuity of operations during and after natural disasters. As climate change continues to increase the frequency and severity of these events, the importance of resilient commercial buildings will only grow. Taking proactive steps today can mitigate the impacts of future disasters and build a safer, more resilient future for commercial properties.

Building Wealth through Commercial Real Estate

When investing, commercial real estate stands as a lucrative avenue for those seeking to build and diversify their wealth. Unlike residential properties, commercial properties encompass a variety of property types, including office buildings, retail spaces, industrial facilities, and multifamily apartments. With its potential for long-term appreciation, stable cash flow, and tax advantages, commercial real estate presents numerous opportunities for savvy investors to grow their wealth. David Shulick explores the various opportunities and strategies available in this industry, providing insights into the benefits and considerations of this asset class.

Diverse Investment Opportunities

Commercial real estate offers investors a diverse range of opportunities, each with its own potential for returns and risks. Office buildings, for example, can provide steady rental income from long-term leases with corporate tenants. Retail properties offer the opportunity to capitalize on consumer spending trends, while industrial facilities benefit from the rise of e-commerce and logistics demand. Multifamily apartments can provide a stable source of rental income, with the potential for value appreciation over time. By diversifying across different property types, investors can mitigate risk and optimize their investment portfolios.

Strategies for Success

Successful investment in commercial real estate requires careful planning, due diligence, and strategic execution. One common strategy is value-add investing, where stockholders identify underperforming properties with the potential for improvement through renovation, repositioning, or lease renegotiation. By enhancing the property’s value and income potential, investors can generate higher returns upon resale or refinancing. Another strategy is income-producing investing, where investors focus on acquiring stabilized properties with reliable cash flow. This approach prioritizes steady income streams and long-term wealth accumulation.

Building Wealth through Commercial Real Estate


Before diving into this industry, investors must consider several factors to ensure success and mitigate risks. Market research and analysis are essential to identify emerging trends, supply and demand dynamics, and investment opportunities in target markets. Financial analysis, including assessing the property’s cash flow, expenses, and potential returns, is crucial for making informed investment decisions. Additionally, investors should conduct thorough due diligence, including property inspections, tenant evaluations, and legal reviews, to identify any potential issues or risks associated with the investment.

Tax Advantages

One of the key benefits of investing in commercial real estate is the array of tax advantages available to investors. Depreciation allows investors to deduct a portion of the property’s value each year, reducing taxable income and providing additional cash flow. Additionally, investors can take advantage of 1031 exchanges to defer capital gains taxes when selling a property and reinvesting the proceeds into a like-kind property. Other tax benefits include deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and operating expenses, further enhancing the investment’s overall returns.


Commercial real estate offers investors a compelling opportunity to build wealth through long-term appreciation, stable cash flow, and tax advantages. By diversifying their investment portfolios and employing strategic investment strategies, investors can capitalize on the diverse opportunities available in the commercial real estate market. However, success in commercial real estate investment requires careful planning, due diligence, and a deep understanding of market dynamics and investment fundamentals. With the right approach and expertise, investors can unlock the full potential of commercial real estate as a vehicle for wealth creation and financial success.

The Value of On-Site Vended Laundry Services in Commercial Properties

David Shulick

Building owners are always looking for new ways to attract and satisfy tenants. Commercial property owners should consider adding vended laundry services to their building as a new tenant benefit and potential source of income. Below, David Shulick explores how offering laundry facilities can enhance tenant satisfaction and attract long-term, quality renters.

Elevating the Residential Experience

Vended laundry services attract not only customers looking to do regular weekly washing and drying, but also those who may have their own washer/dryer at home but need a larger industrial machine to clean bulky items like bedspreads, blankets, and comforters that don’t fit in home appliances.

Having these services available for residents in an apartment building can make renting in that facility far more attractive. It eliminates the need to buy and make space for home appliances, and also have a one-stop shop available in-house for cleaning large items. Using a laundry services within one’s own building can save tenants time and travel, and residents may even be wiling to pay a higher rental fee in order to have access to such services.

A laundry facility can become a communal space for residents looking to connect, as residents may socialize as they wait between laundry loads. Consider adding comfortable seating areas; desks for co-working; entertainment options like TV, Wi-Fi, and games; and food and beverage vending machines for a more elevated community experience.

Vended Laundry Services Attracts More Business

Adding a vended laundry service to a commercial property that also houses other businesses, such as a mixed-use development, can attract additional customers. If folks are stopping by the vended laundry with their daily washing, they may then pop into the café next door, take a yoga class in the nearby yoga studio, hit the local gym for an hour, or do their daily shopping while they wait.

David Shulick

Calculating the Potential Value of Laundry Options in Residential Spaces

Vended laundries in the United States generate nearly $5 billion in gross revenue annually, with more than 29,000 facilities across the country – this comes out to a value of about $172,000 per facility on average. Certain equipment providers allow for owner revenue shares, while also providing equipment installation, maintenance, and upkeep, which will keep owner overhead costs to a minimum.

Such a partnership with an equipment company means building owners will also get expert advice on machine selection. All costs for the equipment are paid upfront, which means added a vended laundry service is essentially a one-time fee that the owner can then reap the profits of for years to come.

In Conclusion

Vended laundry services can elevate the tenant experience by providing an essential service available on-site for a low cost. It saves tenants both money and physical space since they no longer need to purchase and install their own appliances, and they can find community by socializing in the laundry area while they use the services. Building owners can make a nice profit from the machines, and the vended laundry will also attract potential customers to other businesses in the building.

Compliance and Licensing for Vended Laundry Businesses in Commercial Properties

David Shulick

A common inconvenience often goes unnoticed until a solution is found: the absence of nearby laundromats. The struggle of lugging a heavy laundry load for blocks or waiting in a different neighborhood while clothes wash could be alleviated if more entrepreneurs invested in vended laundry facilities in commercial spaces.

But if individuals did decide to pursue this business venture, what requirements are they looking at? And what do they need to prepare?

David Shulick delves into this potentially profitable business endeavor – but first, explains the legal requirements when operating a vended laundromat.

Starting a Laundry Business in a Commercial Area

All business owners must comply with legal requirements. When starting a vended laundry business, make sure to obtain and apply for the following:

It should be noted that there may also be additional requirements, depending on the local government or location.

Moreover, make sure to prioritize insurance before fully operating the laundry business. Some insurance that is essential to apply for are:

Property Insurance/Commercial Building Insurance

As much as business owners want to ignore or dismiss the prevalence of robberies, it happens – more frequently than ever before.

Having insurance provides a safety net in case of a robbery – they also provide protection against damages to your property, so business owners don’t have to fear permanent loss due to floods, earthquakes, or other calamities. Insurance plans can extend their coverage to various other types of accidents as well.

General Liability Insurance

No matter how many anti-slip rugs or “wet floor” signs are in the laundromat, there’s still a chance that a customer will have an accident. When that happens, they can rightfully file a liability claim against the business.

But how likely can a small business owner pay for that?

Without liability insurance, there’s a chance for new vended laundry business owners to suffer from financial loss from the liability claim expenses.

But business owners and their customers aren’t the only entities who deserve insurance.

Workers’ Compensation

A business won’t be successful if they aren’t considerate of their employees. And if there’s a chance that customers can fall or get injured in the laundromat, so, too, can the workers. Therefore, it’s vital to protect them by applying for worker’s compensation insurance.

David Shulick

Laundry Business Tips and Strategies

Got a cool idea for the laundromat’s name? Consider registering it as an Intellectual Property. This way, nobody can use the same or similar name.

But not having one is fine, too – as long as the governing entities receive and approve the required registrations, certifications, and applications for the business operation.

Once the vended laundry is in operation, it’s time to strategize how to make it a well-loved place of business.

Try doing the following:

  • Develop unique selling points – such as vending machines, phone charging stations, free Wi-Fi, etc.
  • Offer promos and discounts.
  • Boost online presence – list the business on Google, advertise on social media, or create a website.
  • Develop great business partnerships with mechanics, soap suppliers, delivery personnel, and others who help the business; they can provide discounts for their products and services – or promote the business via word-of-mouth.


Every town can benefit from laundromats. Fortunately, it’s easy to make vended laundry into a business. As long as aspiring laundromat business owners meet the legal requirements, expanding the business is easy, enjoyable, and profitable.

The Power of Vended Laundry and Housing Units as a Winning Combination

David Shulick

Mixed-use properties have gained popularity over the years from both a developer and buyer perspective. The benefits of combining laundromats and housing can be identified for both the property/business owner and the tenants residing in the building. The owner will benefit from an increase in housing desirability and profitability. The tenant will experience unparalleled convenience and greater home security.

Below, David Shulick explores the advantages of combining coin laundry and housing in the same building from two perspectives: the developer/owner and the tenant.

Benefits of Combining Housing and Laundry in One Space

Mixed-use properties are a great benefit to communities in any form, but the owners often have trouble keeping each retail space full. Pairing housing units with a vended laundry business is a great way to avoid the common struggles associated with mixed-use property ownership, and it can do a lot for the housing tenants as well.

Benefits for the Owner

Owners of mixed-use properties have a lot of expenses associated with the management of the building, and when spaces are empty, they may struggle to meet the financial demands of the property. Empty retail spaces can also be a deterrent for housing tenants, as the perceived risk of living there is higher.

Filling that empty retail space with a laundromat can greatly increase the desirability of a building for residential tenants, as they can see that the area is flourishing, and the property isn’t at risk of a management change. Plus, a laundromat is an incredibly attractive amenity for prospective tenants if they don’t have access to laundry facilities in their apartments.

In addition to increasing the desirability of their housing units, property owners will also benefit financially from the addition of coin laundry facilities. The revenue generated from a vended laundry business will be high enough to cover the expenses of the business and also generate profit that can be used for other purposes.

David Shulick

Benefits for the Tenant

Residential tenants will also benefit from the addition of a laundromat to the mixed-use property. The convenience of on-site laundry facilities is unbeatable, especially for tenants that may have difficulty accessing laundry services elsewhere in the neighborhood. Not only is a laundromat a convenient place to take care of a weekly chore, but it also acts as a safe, convenient place for socializing.

Tenants will also benefit from a boost in housing security with the addition of vended laundry units in the building. It will make new tenants more comfortable signing a lease since they won’t be walking past empty retail space (this is considered a red flag for many people), and existing tenants will have more activity in the building to help them feel more secure during their long-term housing commitment.

Wrapping Up

It is evident that combining housing units and a vended laundry business is one of the best ways to get the most out of a mixed-use property. Given the numerous advantages for property owners and residential tenants alike, it is likely that this style of mixed-use space will continue to gain popularity as time goes on.

Mixed-Use Developments: The Integration of Retail, Residential, and Office Spaces

David Shulick

As communities evolve with modern society, mixed-use developments have grown in popularity in recent years. These developments integrate retail, residential, and office spaces within one building to allow residents ample space to live, work, and play. These flexible spaces offer a variety of businesses the opportunity to establish a retail space with a built-in audience. David Shulick takes a look at how these integrated spaces restore communities.

Mixed-Use Developments Explained

The University of Delaware notes that a mixed-use development is building or series of connected buildings, all pedestrian-friendly (i.e., within walking distance), that combine one or more of the following uses: residential, cultural, industrial, commercial, and/or institutional.

Urban planners design these to not only serve residents by providing housing but also to generate revenue for local businesses. At a time when people are fleeing cities in part due to the pandemic and the rising cost of living, mixed-use developments can provide an urban-like living environment in an otherwise suburban or even rural locale.

How Mixed-Use Developments Can Benefit Communities

The onslaught of COVID-19 proved the need for flexible retail and office options that can be available close to home. Commonly, these spaces offer better return on investment that single-use spaces, particularly as our culture faces a decline in city dwelling, in-person retail purchases, and full-time office work. These developments can keep communities thriving with their flexibility, 24/7 access, communal spaces, curated experiences, and resilience.

Examples of Retail Options for Mixed Use-Developments

The possibilities for retail businesses in mixed-use developments are endless. But some make more sense than others when it comes to taking advantage of the built-in audience of building residents.

Vended Laundry Facilities

Perhaps the most practical option for a retail space within a mixed-use development is a vended laundry facility. A business that offers self-service commercial-grade laundry machines will be a direct benefit to the residents of the development, not to mention other community members that might travel to the facility to use it too.

Gym and Exercise Spaces

Residents would benefit from exercising at a gym or other health and fitness business like a yoga or Pilates studio within the mixed-use development. Memberships could even be offered at a discount to residents to encourage their solicitation of the business. Plus, such exercise spaces offer a natural area for the community to socialize.

David Shulick

Restaurants, Coffee Shops, and Cafes

These spaces would see daily patronage from residents, particularly those looking for a quick bite to eat or easy place to meet up with friends close to home.

Art Gallery or Creative Space

An art gallery or other creative space like a pottery or glass-blowing studio would not only benefit from the built-in audience of the development residents, but also bring a much needed does of creativity and culture to the growing community.


The increase in mixed-use developments marked by the integration of retail, residential, and office spaces points toward a future that is more flexible, community-oriented, culturally conscious, and hopefully sustainable for generations to come.